Through his best-selling books, Jon Acuff may be one of the most prominent advocates for the side hustle “brand” of entrepreneurship.
Jon’s a sought-after author, speaker, and consultant, with a share of side hustle stories to tell. While some flopped, one was almost an overnight success: his Stuff Christians Like blog. We talk about all that and more during our call.
I’m grateful to have been connected to Jon through Bryan Orr, a fellow entrepreneur who I actually met on Fiverr.
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- How employees can begin to build their skills and business on the side.
- Why employers are starting to value workers who hustle.
- Why Jon says his popular blog “was a complete ripoff,” and how it started as a side hustle.
- The indirect monetization strategies of Stuff Christians Like.
- How to know when to give up and try something else.
- How Jon defines “average” and how listeners can learn to escape it.
- Jon’s #1 tip for Side Hustle Nation.
“I want the peace in knowing that is wasn’t for lack of hustling that I missed a target for my dream. I want to know that the one thing in my control was under control.”
“‘Average’ is living a life less than you’re capable of.” <– click to tweet
- Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job and Your Dream Job
- Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work that Matters
- Jullien Gordon |
- The Tropical MBA Podcast | Rip, Pivot, and Jam
- Steven Pressfield
What do you think of this episode? Please leave a comment below!
Great interview, Jon is a really funny and thoughtful guy. Thanks Nick for having him on.
Stay at home mom of 8 kids, here, and
Jon, I like your saying that there’s a difference between average and content. Really important to recognize that when gauging my life’s purpose and desiring to always be ‘hustling’, but not comparing to others.
Nick, smooth interview.
Another great interview. Thank… I am catching up with all your podcasts. :)
Great content. Love your approach to the interview. You gave Jon time to answer your questions (which were spot on btw) and then you added your own sprinkles of relative responses. Thank you for taking the time to create something like this and share it.